

How to Delete your Reddit Account Permanently?

How to Delete your Reddit Account Permanently?

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Do you want to say goodbye to your Reddit account but don't know how to delete a Reddit account permanently? We've got your back, whether you're on mobile or the Web!

Reddit is the go-to app for individuals who want to stay up to date on the newest news and events in the world. It's both educational and entertaining. Except for the "share your filtered selfies" silliness. As a response, it has million active monthly users.

However, there comes the point when we all need to disconnect from the internet and social networking sites, which is pretty normal. As insightful as it is, it may be exhausting at times. And in moments like these, we all go to the settings and hunt for "that" option. Yes, if you want to deactivate or delete a Reddit account, keep reading.

First and first, let me distinguish between two similar words that are frequently misunderstood. Deactivate and obliterate. This is primarily due to Facebook, as the two terms have quite different implications. On Facebook, deactivating an account is a temporary option, whereas deleting it is a permanent one. However, this isn’t the case here.

Deactivating your account on Reddit implies permanently deleting it. So,  make this choice carefully. Nobody wants to regret it later.

If you want tips on how to delete your Reddit Account, you can follow our simple, easy steps. You can delete a Reddit account through either your smartphone or your computer, depending on your preference. The procedures for each are slightly different.

How to Delete my Reddit Account on mobile?

1. Enter your account and password to access the Reddit app.

2. Click on your small avatar in the upper left corner.

3. Go to the settings menu.

4. Scroll down and select "Help FAQ."

5. It will take you to Reddit's support page.

6. In the search field, type "How to Deactivate My Reddit Account."

7. Follow the steps present on the link.

The link will then send you to Reddit's Web address, where you will perform the same steps as described below.

It is important to note that you must know your username and password to proceed with the deletion process.

How to delete your Reddit Account through the Web?

1. Log in to your Reddit account via the website.

2. Click on your account name in the upper right corner, then select "User Settings" from the drop-down menu.

3. Scroll down to the Account area and click on the red Deactivate Account tab.

4. Feed Setting will show as a pop-up on the screen.

5. Fill out the feedback form (optional), your username and password (required), and select the box next to "I understand that deactivated accounts cannot be recovered."

6. Select the Deactivate option. Reddit will ask for confirmation one more time before permanently terminating your account.

How to delete my Reddit Account – FAQs

So, after you cancel your account, what happens to your username, messages, images, and Reddit posts?

Your username will be removed permanently. That means no one else can use it to create a new account, and you can't use it to log into your old one. Essentially, you take your username with you to your grave.

Your profile, including your post history, karma, comment history, avatar, and any other profile content, is permanently deleted.

Do I delete my Reddit account if I uninstall the Reddit app?

No. Your Reddit account will not be deleted if you delete or uninstall the app. However, if you forget your username and password after uninstalling, you must figure out how to recover your account.

That's it; with a few simple ways and a firm will, you can cancel that account you've been thinking about. But, whatever you decide, make it a well-thought-out decision.

Olivia Palermo

Olivia Palermo

Olivia Palermo is an American socialite, fashion influencer and entrepreneur.