Quantum Computing Companies in the UK
As per an Accenture study, a majority of 80% of significant organizations in the United Kingdom expand their quantum computing companies while positioning the country as a leader in deploying emerging technology to solve challenging challenges (ACN.N).
In recent years, the technology has begun to shift from the domain of research to commercial applications as firms seek to capitalize on the possible exponential increase in computing power it provides.
In quantum computing news, Alphabet Inc's Google announced that it had employed a quantum computer to solve a complex figure problem that would have taken supercomputers hundreds of years to complete. Rivals like IBM Corp and Microsoft Corp are developing the technology in their cloud operations as well.
Instead of storing information in bits (or zeros and ones), quantum computing makes use of a feature of subatomic particles that allows them to exist in many states at the same time, allowing a quantum bit to be both one and zero at the same time.
They can then become entangled, which means they can influence each other's behavior in an observable way, resulting in exponential increases in computing capacity and an overall increase in the efficiency of quantum computing companies.
With a few notable exceptions, Britain has generally been a leader in fundamental scientific and technological research but has struggled to take advantage of the economic opportunities that have followed.
Maynard Williams, managing director for Accenture Technology in the United Kingdom and Ireland, stated in quantum computing news that COVID-19 compelled companies to adopt new technology more quickly and enhanced their propensity to innovate.
According to Accenture's research, British businesses are getting an early start on experimenting with quantum computing.
According to the report, Britain surpassed the global average of 62 percent of large enterprises growing quantum technology and was ahead of the United States, where the ratio was 74 percent.
The vast majority of corporations expanding quantum computing in the United Kingdom – almost 85 percent – stated that they would raise technology during the next three years.
According to the report, Britain surpassed the global average of 62 percent of large enterprises growing quantum technology and was ahead of the United States, where the ratio was 74 percent.
The vast majority of corporations expanding quantum computing in the United Kingdom – almost 85 percent – stated that they would raise technology during the next three years.
Accenture did not quantify its expansion or investment intentions.
"It's an exciting moment of attention around what these new technologies can achieve," Williams said, citing financial markets and supply chains as areas where quantum computing may be helpful.
"While the technology is currently being evaluated to generate new goods and services, we anticipate that quantum computing will deliver tremendous gains in processing power and solve business challenges that are too complicated for classical computer systems."